When all had gone out, and the door closed, M. de Treville turned round and found himself alone with the young man.
"Excuse me," said he, smiling. " Excuse me, but I had completely forgotten you. But what can I do? A captain is no more than a father of a family, charged with an even greater responsibility than the father of an ordinary family."
D'Artagnan smiled, and by this smile M. de Treville judged that his visitor was no fool. So changing the conversation, he came straight to the point.
"I respect your father very much," said he. " What can I do for the son? Please be quick; my time is not my own."
"Sir," said D'Artagnan, "I came here with the intention of requesting the uniform of a Musketeer. But after all I have seen this morning I tremble lest I should not merit it."
"Well, young man," replied M. de Treville, " it is indeed a favour, but it may not be so far beyond your hopes as you appear to believe. His Majesty's decision is, of course, always necessary, but you must first have shown yourself worthy in several battles, or by two years' satisfactory service in some regiment less honoured than ours.
"But," continued he, "on account of my old companion, your father, I will do something for you. I dare say you have not brought much money with you?"
D'Artagnan drew himself up with a proud air which plainly said, "I ask alms of no man."
"Oh, that's all very well, my young man, that's all very well. I know those Gascon airs. I myself came to Paris with only four crowns in my purse, and would have fought anyone who dared to suggest that I was not in a position to purchase the Louvre.
"You should," he continued, "be careful with the money you have, however large the sum may be. I will write a letter to the Director of the Royal Academy, and to-morrow he will admit you without any expense to yourself. Do not refuse this little service. Our noble-born and richest gentlemen sometimes ask for it, without being able to obtain it. You will learn horsemanship, swordsmanship, and how to conduct yourself in society, and you will also make some desirable acquaintances. From time to time you may come to see me, to tell me how you are getting on and to say whether I can be of any further use to you."
"Alas, sir!" said D'Artagnan, "I can hardly say how sadly I miss the letter of introduction which my father gave me to present to you."
"I am certainly surprised," replied M. de Treville, "that you should have undertaken so long a journey without such a letter, a necessity to us poor Gascons."
"I did have one, sir, but it was stolen from me."
D'Artagnan then related the incident at Meung, and described the unknown gentleman with a warmth and truthfulness that delighted M. de Treville.
"This is all very strange," said M. de Treville thoughtfully. "You say you mentioned my name."
"Yes, sir, I certainly committed that error, but why should I have done otherwise? A name like yours was a protection to me on my way."
"Tell me," said M. de Treville, "did this gentleman have a slight scar on his cheek?"
"Was he not a fine-looking man? "
"Very tall?"
"With a pale complexion and brown hair?"
"Yes, yes, that is he. How is it, sir, you know this man? If ever I find him again, and find him I will, I swear"
"Was he waiting for a lady?" interrupted M. de Treville.
"Yes, and he went off immediately after having conversed with her."
"Do you know the subject of their conversation?"
"He gave her a box, told her that it contained her instructions, and that she was not to open it until she reached England."
"Was she an English woman?"
"He addressed her as Milady."
"It is he; it must be!" murmured M. de Treville. "I thought that he was still in Belgium."
"Oh, sir," cried D'Artagnan, "if you know who this man is, tell me, for before everything I wish to punish him."
"Beware, young man," said M. de Treville. "If you see him coming on one side of the street, pass by on the other. Do not throw yourself against such a rock."
"The thought of his strength will not stop me, if ever I find him," replied D'Artagnan.
"In the meantime," said M. de Treville firmly, "take my advice and do not search for him."
"Now, young man," continued M. de Treville, "at the present moment I can only do for you what I have just offered. My office will always be open to you. Hereafter, being able to ask for me at all hours, and consequently to take advantage of all opportunities, you will probably obtain what you desire."
"That is to say," returned D'Artagnan, "that you will wait till I have proved myself worthy of it." He then bowed in order to retire.
"Wait a minute," said M. de Treville. "I promised you a letter for the Director of the Royal Academy. Are you too proud to accept it, young gentleman?"
"No, sir," said D'Artagnan, "and I promise that this one will not be stolen like the other."
M. de Treville smiled at this boasting. Leaving him at the window where they had been chatting, he seated himself at a table in order to write the letter of recommendation.
D'Artagnan, having no better employment, looked from the window at the Musketeers, going and coming in the street.
After having written the letter, and sealed it, M. de Treville rose and approached the young man to give it to him. But at the instant D'Artagnan stretched out his hand to receive it, M. de Treville was astonished to see his protégé make a sudden jump, turn red with anger, and rush from the office, crying, "Ah! He will not escape me this time."
"Who?" asked M. de Treville.
"He, my thief," cried D'Artagnan. "Ah! the villain!"